Seven Towers Council of Knight Masons was constituted on Saturday 29th September 1934 and on Friday 27th September 2024 the Sir Knights celebrated the 90th anniversary in the Masonic Centre, Ballymena.
The meeting commenced at 7pm with some 59 Sir Knights in attendance. The Excellent Chief, Excellent Sir Knight Malachy Bellew, opened the meeting in a very efficient manner and welcomed Present and Past Grand Council officers. A special welcome and salute was given to the 2 Right Excellent Deputy Grand Superintendents of Ulster North, namely, Right Excellent Sir Knight Ian Evans and Right Excellent Sir Knight Stephen Shimmon. A warm welcome was also extended to the 35 visiting Sir Knights and they were suitably saluted.
An alarm at the door signalled the arrival of Right Excellent Provincial Grand Superintendent for Ulster North, Right Excellent SK Ivan Scott who was presented to the Excellent Chief. The Excellent Chief proceeded with a sincere welcome to Right Excellent SK Scott, from himself and all the Sir Knights. In compliance with custom the Signet of Authority was tendered to Right Excellent Provincial Grand Superintendent for Ulster North coupled with an invitation to take the Chair, both of which were accepted. All present were directed by the Excellent Chief to accord the appropriate salute of 9 and 2. The Right Excellent Provincial Grand Superintendent for Ulster North thanked the Excellent Chief for the welcome and expressed his thanks for the invitation to join with the members of Council 25 at this their 90th Anniversary meeting.
Following the reading of the minutes, the Right Excellent Sir Knight Scott signed them off and thanked the Scribe and all the permanent Officers for their hard work, which was much appreciated by Grand Council.
The Excellent Chief then called upon Right Excellent Sir Knight John McAdorey to give his presentation on “Past 90 Years”. Right Excellent John then proceeded to give a very informative, interesting and amusing talk on various events during the past 90 years, some general, some Masonic related and some specific to Council 25.
He detailed the assistance that the Sir Knights of Council 25 had given to the formation of 4 local Councils, namely,
Steeple Council No. 5, Antrim in 1981
The Castle Council No. 75, Clough in 1992
The Thiepval Council No. 78, Broughshane 1996
Glencloy Council No. 47, Carnlough 1998
Right Excellent Sir Knight McAdorey’s very detailed research showed the names of Council 25 members who had become affiliate foundation members of each new Council to get it up and running. Indeed when the names were compared to the number of other foundation members, Council 25 made up approximately 50% of each of the 4 new Councils. John then thanked the representatives from each of these 4 Councils for their attendance at Council 25’s 90th Anniversary meeting.
At the conclusion of the presentation the Excellent Chief and Right Excellent Grand Superintendent congratulated Right Ex McAdorey for his enlightening presentation which was followed by a rapturous round of applause from all Sir Knights.
The next item on the agenda was the presentation of 40 and 25 Year Jewels and Certificates.
The Excellent Chief requested the DOC to present 40 Year recipients, namely the following: Right Ex SK John McAdorey, Rt Ex SK William Johnston, Ex SK Aubrey Kincaid, Ex SK James Crawford and Ex SK Reggie Wilson. The Excellent Chief together with Right Excellent Grand Superintendent presented each Sir Knight with their 40 year Jewel and Certificate and made special thanks to each Sir Knight for their contribution to Knight Masonry over the years.
The Excellent Chief then requested the DOC to present 25 Year recipient, namely: Excellent Sir Knight Hilton Dickey. Once again the Excellent Chief together with Right Excellent Grand Superintendent presented Excellent Sir Knight Dickey with his 25 year Jewel and Certificate.
After each presentation the Sir Knights were accorded the appropriate salute. The distinguished Sir Knights expressed their thanks and this was followed by a round of applause by all Sir Knights.
Before closing the meeting the Excellent Chief requested the DOC to present Sir Knight Denver Kincaid to receive his Knight Mason’s Certificate. The
Excellent Chief together with Right Excellent Grand Superintendent presented Sir Knight Kincaid with his Certificate. After returning to his seat the Sir Knights were called to order and accorded the appropriate salute. Sir Knight Kincaid expressed his thanks and this was followed by a round of applause by all Sir Knights.
After a very busy meeting the Council was closed. The Members of Council 25 together with their Guests, proceeded to the downstairs Function Room and after grace sat down to the Festive Board. Jackie Johnston of Delightful Bites, Cullybackey prepared and served the food, which was a finger buffet and was heartily enjoyed by all. After the usual Toasts and Speeches the Festive Board was brought to a close.
A memorable evening marking this important milestone in the history of Seven Towers Council No.25 had been a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Pictured are, Grand Treasurer, R.E. Sir Knight Thomas J. Young & Provincial Grand Superintendent R.E. Sir Knight Ivan Scott, and officers of Seven Towers Council No. 25