Knight Masonry was introduced in the beautiful island Zakinthos in September 2014, with the Constitution and Dedication of the Council of Knight Masons Amici Fedeli No 106. This was the third Council of Knight Masons in Greece.
Previously in January, on the same year two Special Meetings of the first Council of Knight Masons in Greece, Alethia No 96, were held for the offering the three degrees to 14 Zakynthian Brethren in Zakynthos. After that and with the inclusion of V. E. Sir Kt. Dionysios Ithakisios, who received the degrees in Athens in 2012 the petition for a new Council was signed.
The Constitution and Dedication Ceremony was held in Zakinthos, at the historical Masonic Hall of the Lodge Star of the East No 880 (EC) and in an Occasional Meeting of the Grand Council of Knight Masons presiding by the M.E. Great Chief, M.E. Sir Kt. Bernard V.A. Woods.
In this Occasional Meeting also were present R.E. Sir Knight Timothy J. Coulter, R.E. Sir Knight Geoffrey G. Ashton, R.E. Sir Knight John S. Haynes, R.E. Sir Knight Derek J.M. Moffatt, R.E. Sir Knight John E.V. Smith, V.E. Sir Knight Ramon H. Gillis and V.E. Sir Knight Hugh St. Leger and many other members from the two Councils in Greece (Alethia No 96 and Eleftheria No 99).
Ten years completed in 2024 and the members of the Council of Knight Masons Amici Fedeli No 106, organized on the Stated Meeting for the Installation of the new Excellent Chief in January 2025 a celebration of the decade of their Council with a Dedication of the Standard of the Council.
The Great Chief M.E. Sir Kt. Bernard V.A. Woods and the Assistant Great Chief R.E. Sir Kt Dimitrios Kontesis met on Friday afternoon at the Athens Airport and after checking their luggage, they met at the gate the Provincial Grand Superintendent for the Province of Greece R.E. Sir Kt James Greene and the Provincial Grand Scribe for the Province of Greece R.E. Sir Kt Denis Wilson. All were in the same flight of Aegean Airlines to Zakinthos where they arrived after a smooth flight of 1 hour. In the exit of the airport in Zakinthos Airport two Sir Knights, V.E. Sir Kt. Dionysios Ithakisios and E. Sir Kt. Angelos Chartas welcomed and they drove the four travelers to their hotel, which was 100 meters far from the Masonic Hall.
After some rest, at 7.30 p.m. V.E. Sir Kt. Dionysios Ithakisios met at the hotel and accompanied all at the Masonic Hall.
The meeting was planned at 8.30 p.m. and includes the Installation of the new Excellent Chief.
The M.E. Great Chief entered to the Council after the Opening and the Excellent Chief E. Sir Kt. George Zivas offered him the Signet of Authority.
The Great Chief being in the Chair and after the salutations conferred the rank of the Honorary Very Excellent Past Grand Council Standard Bearer to the E. Sir Kt. Panayiotis Kladis.
After that, the M.E. Great Chief, M.E. Sir Kt. Bernard V.A. Woods, assisted by the Assistant Great Chief R.E. Sir Kt Dimitrios Kontesis, the Provincial Grand Superintendent for the Province of Greece R.E. Sir Kt James Greene and the Provincial Grand Scribe for the Province of Greece R.E. Sir Kt Denis Wilson dedicate the Standard of the Council, on the occasion of their decade.
Then the Excellent Chief received again the Signet of Authority and installed his successor E. Sir Kt. Dionisios Kladis. All the Officers proclaimed and installed by the new Excellent Chief.
After the closing of the Council at the Festive Board after a delicious meal, the toasts closed this wonderful meeting, with good memories from the last ten years, which all realized that runed like the water in the river.
On Saturday morning the travelers met many members in the morning for a coffee at the usual meeting point of the brethren in Zakinthos (Avant Garde Café).
A nice tour to Laganas area and a rich lunch was offered by V.E. Sir Kt. Dionysios Ithakisios and E. Sir Kt. Angelos Chartas at the restaurant “Panos”.
After the return for some siesta the four travelers met at 8 p.m. and walked in the peaceful at this season of the year, city of Zakinthos enjoying the view of the port and the lightened Cathedral of Saint Dionisios. The dinner was light at the local tavern “Alector”, after having that rich and delicious lunch.
On Sunday morning, after the check out from Hotel Diana and leaving the luggage at the hotel reception, the meeting was for coffee with V.E. Sir Kt. Dionysios Ithakisios and E. Sir Kt. Angelos Chartas.
E. Sir Kt Angelos Chartas drove the travelers to a tour to Keri and after an aperitif (tsipouro) left them for lunch at the local tavern “Stathmos”. After the lunch the meeting point was with V.E. Sir Kt. Dionysios Ithakisios at the hotel to pick them up for the airport for the return flight.
In Athens, back all of us, after the flight were full of sun, experiences and memories from our Sir Knights in Zakinthos whishing and hoping to be again together next year.