R.E. Assistant Great Chief presentation.
The R.E. Assistant Great Chief, R.E. Sir Knight Dimitrios Kontesis after a service in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin where he met the Dean Very Rev’d Dermot Dunne. He also met […]
Presentation to V.E. Sir Knight James W.D. Stronge, Britannia Council No.53
V.E. Sir Knight Strong with the R.E. Deputy Great Chief, R.E. Sir Knight Arnold Imrie and R.E. Sir Knight S.Lawrence Fisher, Provincial Grand Superintendent (acting) for Province of Greater Belfast.
Great News and a Happy New Year
Happy new year Sir Knights from the Grand council of Knight Masons
Grand Council of Knight Masons Centenary Service in the Chapter House, Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin.
Some of the Grand Council of Knight Masons preparing to enter the Cathedral for the Centenary Service